While slow, steady weight loss can be achieved through small changes to your diet and gradually increase the level of activity, were honest, losing weight slowly sucks! Everyone wants quick weight loss! Well, I happen to think that a faster approach to weight loss better.

The fact is; you will get better results by attacking your weight loss goals for a planned period of time at the exclusion of other things, focusing on it with laser intensity and actually achieving it, at which point you can ease off and simply maintain your weight.
Here''s why: It is a fact of human nature to want to expand a task to fit the time frame.

In other words if you decide to lose weight slowly over a period of 6 months, the lack of urgency created by such a long term goal will actually slow your progress.
Now, if you lose, say, 20 pounds in a month, how much more thinking to achieve your weight loss goals you, focus you choose Ill say it again - the short-term goals for the quick weight loss better than the long-term goals.

So what are the differences between a slow weight loss plan and a fast weight loss plan Here''s a quick list.

Fast weight loss secret 1 - First, decide the target.
"Lose weight" is not a goal, it''s a good idea.
A goal goes like this: "by 1 November this year, I weigh 170 pounds ".

Specific and time-bound comment (write, not type) and stick it somewhere you will see it every day.
Write it on a card and keep it in your wallet, stick it on your fridge.

You must keep this goal in your mind for the duration of the plan for fat loss.
This is one of the most crucial elements that separate fat loss success from fat loss failure. Keep focused on your goal, you keep slipping with your diet.

Fast weight loss secret 2 - Decide on your objectives and make them as clear and simple as possible with no room for interpretation.
Goal is that you are to achieve the goals you want to achieve as you want.
These need to be simple and clear because if you are vague in defining your objectives you will drift away from them as the weeks go by.
Bad goals seem - I will reduce my carbohydrate intake.

Good objectives sound like - For the next for weeks I will eat no starchy carbohydrates between Monday and Saturday.
All my meals contain a source of protein and green vegetables.

See how much more specific a properly formulated objective is

Fast weight loss secret 3 - Fail to plan - plan to fail! If a client tells me their objective is to eat an apple a day for the next week, my next question to them is "do you have seven apples in your kitchen right now" Once you have your goals and your objectives, you must prepare! If you have crap food in your kitchen, throw it out! Buy only food, which is in line with your objectives.
Simple Yes, but it is surprising how few people actually act and want as.
For more information visit Best Diet Before Colonoscopy .